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Noise measurement, evaluation, noise modeling and reporting services are provided in accordance with the standards in the Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise for Facilities Subject to Environmental Permit and Facilities Not Subject to Environmental Permit.


After obtaining the Temporary Activity Certificate (GFB) for the enterprises subject to Environmental Permit, in-plant noise measurement and environmental noise measurements are made according to TS ISO 8297, TS ISO 3744 and TS ISO 3746 standards According to TS ISO 9613-2 standard An Acoustic Report is prepared for the business by making calculations and modeling and presented to the company.

Environmental Noise Evaluation and Management Regulation (ÇGDYY) Eleventh Chapter, which was updated by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Environment and Urbanization on 18.11.2015, evaluation for environmental noise in enterprises and facilities subject to environmental permit or environmental permit and license document article 33 given in . Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise Article 33 as follows:

ARTICLE 33 – (1) The criteria that will be the basis for the environmental permit and environmental permit and license document for businesses and facilities specified in Annex-1 and Annex-2 of the Regulation on Permits and Licenses Required by the Environmental Law are as follows: specified.

a) Environmental permit or environmental permit and license document procedures of enterprises and facilities specified in Annex-1 and Annex-2 of the Regulation on Permits and Licenses Required by Environmental Law are carried out within the framework of the provisions of the Regulation on Permits and Licenses Required to be Obtained by Environmental Law.

b) Environmental noise is evaluated based on the acoustic report to be prepared by institutions or organizations that have expertise in the framework of subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 36 and the second paragraph of the same article and have received a pre-qualification/qualification certificate from the Ministry.

c) Acoustic report format and explanatory documents to be prepared for the facilities subject to environmental permit or environmental permit and license certificate shall be determined and published by the Ministry.

ç) (Amended:RG-27/4/2011-27917) In Annex-1 and Annex-2 of the Regulation on Permits and Licenses Required by Environmental Law Businesses and facilities that are exempted with the “*” sign, and businesses and facilities that need to obtain environmental permit or environmental permit and license; Businesses established before 7/3/2008 and obtained opening and operating licenses, and those located outside the settlements where noise maps must be prepared within the framework of this Regulation, which are at least 500 meters away from very sensitive and sensitive uses, regardless of the date of establishment and whether they have a license or not. Environmental permit or environmental permit and license certificate are not evaluated for the facilities. However, if requested by the authorized administration, it is obligatory to prepare an acoustic report for businesses and facilities.

d) Opinion of the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Forestry is sought for the enterprises and facilities that will be exempt from the environmental permit and license document specified in subparagraph (ç).


In accordance with the Environmental Noise Evaluation and Management Regulation, road noise measurement, evaluation, noise modeling and reporting services are provided.

Highway modelling; It can be done for every karayolu that is in the planning phase and operation phase. In this way, for the highways that are in the planning stage, the possible impact on the surrounding houses before the construction is completed can be determined.


Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise (ÇGDYY) Highway environmental noise criteria are given in Article 18 in Chapter Four. Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise Article 18 is as follows:

ARTICLE 18 – (1) The noise level emitted from the highway and the limit values for the prevention of noise are given in Annex-VII Table-1. The level of environmental noise originating from highways cannot exceed the limit values in Table-1 in Annex-VII.

ÇGDYY ANNEX-VII Table-1 Land values for road environmental noise

Gürültü Haritası
Gürültü Haritası

Railway Noise Modeling Example


Modeling and reporting of indoor noise and indoor-outdoor noise is provided. Indoor noise is a modeling and reporting study that shows how the noise sources inside the building are distributed in the building and how the noise inside the building is distributed to the points outside the building in accordance with TS EN 12354 standards. In addition, it is a reporting study on which building materials should be used to ensure the indoor noise limit values given in Table 9 of Annex VII of CGDYY during the spread of noise outside the building into the building during the building construction phase.

The sample indoor-outdoor noise propagation model prepared by our laboratory is as follows:

Gürültü Haritası

Exterior Modeling of Indoor Noise Propagation Example



By TR Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD)  "At 12 Provincial Centers (Adana, Ağrı, Ankara, Bursa, Diyarbakır, Edime, Eskişehir, Iğdır, Kars, Mersin,_cc781905-5cde581905-5cdelibelib-316594-Kobadelib-136594) and Sakarya) Siren Sound Propagation and Radio Coverage Analysis in Settlement Sciences for the Installation of Warning Alarm (Siren) Systems, Service Procurement Work"It has been successfully carried out by our laboratory.

As an example, Siren Sound Propagation Analysis - Noise Map   prepared by the expert personnel of our Laboratory for the Province of Ankara within the scope of the project is given below.

Gürültü Haritası

Strategic noise mapping is the modeling of the impact of different noise sources (industrial facilities, entertainment venues, highways, railways, etc.) in a settlement on settlements.


Strategic Noise Mapping Service is provided by our laboratory.

Environmental Noise Assessment and Management Regulation (ÇGDYY) Sekinci Strategic Noise Mapping Principles and Criteria in Article 29_cc781905_bbcde58-3194 Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise Article 29 as follows:


ARTICLE 29 – (1) a) (Amended:RG-18/11/2015-29536) No later than 31 until /12/2016;

1) Residential areas with a resident population of more than two hundred and fifty thousand,

2) Main highways where more than six million vehicles pass annually,

3) Main railways where more than sixty thousand trains pass annually,

4) Main airports where more than fifty thousand movements take place annually,

Strategic noise maps are prepared to show the situation in the previous calendar year.

b) It is obligatory to prepare a strategic noise map until 30/6/2011 at the latest and every five years thereafter; The main highways where more than six million vehicles pass annually, the main railways where more than sixty thousand trains pass annually, the main airports and the residential areas with a resident population of more than two hundred and fifty thousand are notified to the Ministry.

c) Until 30/6/2018 and every five years after this date;

1) Residential areas with a resident population of more than one hundred thousand,

2) Main highways where more than three million vehicles pass annually,

3) Main railways with more than thirty thousand trains per year

Strategic noise maps are prepared to show the situation in the previous year.

ç) It is obligatory to prepare a strategic noise map until 30/6/2014 at the latest and every five years thereafter; Main highways with more than three million vehicles per year, main railways with more than thirty thousand trains per year, and residential areas with a resident population of more than one hundred thousand are notified to the Ministry.

d) Strategic noise maps are prepared to meet the minimum requirements for strategic noise mapping in Annex-IV.

e) In the preparation of strategic noise maps of the regions close to the borders of neighboring countries, cooperation is sought under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

f) Strategic noise maps are reviewed at least every five years after the date they are prepared and revised when necessary.

g) Noise maps to be prepared for the residential areas given in sub-clause (1) of subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph of this article and sub-clause (1) of subparagraph (c); Road, railway, air traffic noise and ports, industrial areas, workshops-manufacturing-entertainment places and areas where similar businesses are located.



Action Plans include plans designed to deal with noise-related problems and its effects, including reducing the noise level, if necessary, in the settlement for which the Strategic Noise Map has been prepared.

Our laboratory provides Action Plans Preparation Service.

Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise (ÇGDYY) The principles of preparing action plans are given in Article 30 in the ninth chapter. Regulation on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise Article 30 is as follows:

ARTICLE 30 – (1) Principles regarding Action Plans are as follows:

a) (Amended:RG-18/11/2015-29536) When necessary, until 31/12/2017 at the latest;

1) Main highways with more than six million vehicles per year, main railways with more than sixty thousand trains per year, main airports and places nearby,

2) Residential areas with a resident population of more than two hundred and fifty thousand,

Noise related issues, including noise level reduction, and action plans to deal with the effects of noise should be prepared. Measures within the action plans are under the initiative of the competent administration. However, priorities defined as situations where the limit values given in this Regulation are exceeded or other criteria selected by the competent authorities are specifically specified in the action plan and are applied in the most important regions determined by strategic noise mapping.

b) Until 18/7/2019 at the latest;

1) The main highways where more than three million vehicles pass annually, the main railways where more than thirty thousand trains pass annually and the places nearby,

2) Settlements with a resident population of more than one hundred thousand

For this purpose, it is ensured that action plans are prepared that clearly include the priorities defined as exceeding the limit values given in this Regulation or other criteria selected by the competent authorities.

c) The Ministry is informed by the competent administrations about the criteria specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b).

ç) Action plans are prepared to meet the minimum requirements for the action plans given in Annex-V.

d) Upon the occurrence of a very important change affecting the current noise situation and at least every five years from the date of their preparation, the action plans are reviewed and revised if necessary.

e) In the preparation of action plans for regions close to the borders of neighboring countries, cooperation is sought under the coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

f) Provided that prior and effective opportunities are given to participate in the preparation and review of action plans, it is ensured that the public is consulted about the action plans by the institutions and organizations responsible for preparing the action plans, that the results of these participation are taken into account and that the public is informed about the decision taken. This information is presented in an easily accessible and fully understandable way. A text summarizing the most important points of the information is published in at least one newspaper with high circulation and in the local newspaper. Documents related to action plans are made available to the public for four months following the publication of the announcement. During this period, opinions on the action plans are given in writing to the institutions and organizations that prepare the action plans. Objections made after this period will not be considered if they are not related to personal rights.


Measurement, modeling and evaluation services performed by our laboratory are prepared in accordance with the following standards in accordance with environmental legislation:

Environmental Noise Measurement & Evaluation
  • TS 9315 ISO 1996-1: Acoustic - Description, Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Noise - Part 1: Basic Dimensions and Evaluation Procedures

  • TS ISO 1996-2: Acoustic - Description, Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Noise - Part 2: Determination of Environmental Noise Levels

Environmental Vibration Measurement & Evaluation
  • TS ISO 4866: Mechanical vibration and shock – Vibration of buildings – Guidance for measuring vibration and evaluating its effects on buildings

  • TS 10354: Mining – Air Shock and Ground Vibration Measurement

Sound Power Level (LW) Calculation & Noise Distribution Modeling
  • TS ISO 8297: Akustik - Determination of Sound Power Levels for the Evaluation of Sound Pressure Levels in the Environment in Industrial Facilities with Multiple Noise Sources - "Engineering Method"

  • TS ISO 3744: Acoustic –Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure- Engineering Method Mainly Applied in a Free Space Along a Reflection Plane

  • TS ISO 3746: Akustik - Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure - Observation Method Using Surrounding Measurement Surface Along a Reflection Plane

  • NMPB Routes 96 & XPS 31-133: French National Road Noise Calculation Method

  • Reken – Meervoorscrift Railverkeer Slawaai 96: Dutch National Railway Noise Calculation Method

  • TS ISO 9613-2: Akustik – Decreased Sound While Spreading Outside-Part 2: General Calculation Method

Indoor & Indoor - Outdoor Noise Propagation Modeling
  • TS EN 12354-4: Buildings Acoustics – Calculating the Acoustic Performance of Buildings from the Performance of the Elements – Part 4: Transmission of Indoor Sound to Outside


In line with the methods and standards given above, our team consisting of trained and experienced expert staff is carried out in accordance with the method of measurements in the field. After the calculation and modeling processes are carried out in accordance with the standards in our laboratory, the data is evaluated according to the relevant articles of the CGDY Regulation and submitted to the operation as Environmental Noise Level Assessment Report, Environmental Vibration Assessment Report, Highway & Railway Noise Maps and Acoustic Report for Facilities Subject to Environmental Permit.

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